How Boutique PR Campaign Measures Results

How Boutique PR Campaign Measures Results

All marketing companies, including boutique PR agencies, find ways to report results to clients.  This runs the gambit, and with the swift evolution of the online news stream and social media channels together with how people consume news, there are new methods...
Six Key Advantages to A Boutique PR Firm

Six Key Advantages to A Boutique PR Firm

While I’ve had my own boutique travel PR firm for over twenty years, I’ve realized there are distinct reasons why it often makes sense to go with a small versus a large multi-layered agency. I speak from experience because prior to going on my own, I worked in the big...
The Rise of Social Media Platforms in Travel PR

The Rise of Social Media Platforms in Travel PR

Instagram and Pinterest have emerged as major drivers of customer engagement for various luxury brands, with travel certainly a big topic of coverage.  While the activity on these platforms has blossomed over the past three years, it pays to consider the actual value...