As one of the travel PR firms that knows how to leverage holidays, our agency recently hit one of those home runs which made our client very happy – and just in time for Valentine’s Day! The story ran in USA Today, Smarter Travel and others. Entitled, “Ten Top Getaways You’ve Never Done Before,” brought inquiries to the eco-lodge in Honduras, Pico Bonito, which was was third on the list.
Proactively, we planned this pitch six weeks in advance, which gave our key media contacts plenty of notice. Reaching out to one of our tried-and-true freelancers, we secured it in perfectly with exactly the story she had in the works.
Major market newspapers get syndicated on a select basis
There are a handful of major newspapers that syndicate stories. Some but not all, so you have to know which ones will get you the most exposure. For example, the following newspapers have their stories reprinted in at least ten and sometimes as many as 1,000 newspapers, giving major juice to your news.
- New York Times
- Los Angeles Times
- Dallas Morning News
- Houston Chronicle
- Chicago Tribune
In addition, there are services like Tribune, Hearst and Copley, all of which distribute stories across the country. And in Canada, the National Post goes to over 50 newspapers. On a press trip to St Barts, the posh island in the Caribbean, we hosted a journalist with an assignment whose story ran in over fifty papers. We do service Canada as part of our campaigns as part of North America, when clients ask us to include it in the scope of work.
As a boutique PR agency, we focus on giving our clients maximum exposure for modest fees. Let us hear from you!