Spa and Wellness PR

Your hotel spa can be a huge revenue driver if you market it right. Understanding that today’s leisure or business traveler frequently makes decisions about where to stay based on a hotel or resort’s fitness or spa offerings necessitates a spa public relations firm that is familiar with the field. We know how to mine what’s offered, creating spin with new names for treatments that grab attention of the devoted wellness, fitness and beauty audience.
As a specialist in this sector, Lorraine Abelow uses her years of experience representing spas at hotels all over the world. Her knowledge to produce tailor-made brand development and communication campaigns can distinguish your hotel to the traveling public.
With services covering traditional PR and access to influencers on social media, we deliver campaigns with strong momentum landing major features in Organic Spa, Sports Illustrated and The Today Show.
Contact Lorraine Abelow to find out how we can make your spa a legend among discerning travelers.