In this day and age where the rankings of Google and other search engines for your site are paramount, it is vital to integrate PR and SEO. How do you achieve this? Our boutique PR firm maintains close working relationships with the press, giving us the ability to place links in the stories of top publications that link back to our clients’ sites.
A-List Links in A-List Pubs
Do some inbound links matter more than others? Absolutely. We are one of the most trusted sources for this as we have been doing this for over a decade, giving us the know-how to secure links in A-list publications, and they are the ones with the most highly valued links. Such publications include:
• National Geographic Traveler
• Huffington Post
• USA Today
• Wall Street Journal
• Travel and Leisure
• Conde Nast Traveler
However, you’d be surprised how Google and Yahoo also rank inbound links for articles in regional publications and special interest publications. Those outlets include:
• New York Magazine
• Manhattan Magazine
• Destination Weddings and Honeymoons
• Vogue
• Saveur
• Martha Stewart Living.
How to Generate Articles with Live Links
How are articles generated that secure links to your website? Our PR firm in NYC has four fundamental ways to accomplish this:
• Feature stories generated from press trips to properties and companies
• Round-up stories that include multiple destinations and companies
• Bylined articles we prepare and place in industry stories
• Wire service stories in AP, Bloomberg and other top outlets
Insuring that the links are live is something we always undertake once a story is posted. Sometimes, the reporter or freelancer neglects to make sure the editor puts the link in the story, and we go back and have them correct it. This is a result of our credibility with the press: the editors know us and trust our information.
PR drives SEO in an extremely valuable way. The links we generate from publicity are more highly valued than those from blogs or content on your website, so it makes sense to engage a firm that can get you the exposure you need online in today’s content-driven environment.