When a celebrity like Katherine Heigl becomes a superstar, as she is today with her captivating TV Show “State of Affairs,” it can be a mixed blessing for hotels hosting her either for a day of shooting or for a vacation. And when major stars like Leonardo DiCaprio want to get away, they typically take over the whole property. (This happened recently at one of our clients, but they had to turn him down, and honor the guests who had already booked rooms! Yes, all men and women are created equal in the eyes of hoteliers!)
Whether the celeb is an actor or an ambassador, hosting a famous face and their family or significant other presents challenges to properties. If it’s someone from the government, strict security measures are installed. All major upscale city hotels have their own security staff installed to be on the lookout, but what if it leaks out that someone with a public persona is staying there? How does the PR department or agency handle these situations best?
Major stars all have publicists, and it’s important for the PR team to liaise with them beforehand. That way you can establish agreed upon rules. Some stars want to be noticed when on property, but that has to be carefully orchestrated by security. Keeping fans and the press at bay is a complicated task. There are those who embrace the attention, and those who want complete anonymity. Most will enter discreetly through back doors, but inevitably if someone in the property leaks out that they are staying there.
Generally, the policy we recommend to our luxury travel PR firm’s clients is to keep the privacy of the celebrity as the primary goal during their stay, and then our goal is to agree with the publicist if we can use their name once they have left the property. Then, with our close ties to the press, we promise them some juicy nuggets for once the guest has departed. Since we are an NYC PR agency, we often are in contact with those PR folks who represent the stars.
It’s a balancing act, and when it’s a resort property, the mission for the hotelier is usually easier because the celeb can stay in a cloistered villa or in a suite, ushered to and fro by security.
We’ve found over the years its best to be cautionary, and err on the side of less, rather than more. Respecting the privacy of all your guests is vital – after all they have their own personal lives just like you and I!