When a hotel or resort is slated to launch in a year, it’s a good idea to get your ducks in a row, and line up a PR firm to publicize its opening so you can start garnering attention. That way, stories will appear in the press, and you can get the buzz going in the right circles. There’s a ramp-up time for any agency, so factor that in.
An NYC PR firm is the best way to go, because the majority of the top travel media are located in the Big Apple and you should expect a PR firm located there to have the best connections. Whether it’s Conde Nast Traveler, Travel & Leisure, or the general-interest media with clout that cover the industry like Forbes Life and The New York Times, it is vital to get on the radar of journalists and travel editors who are planning trips and editorial in the next six months to one year. After all, bodies in beds are what it is all about and advance buzz is the best way to have guests there when the property opens.
If you are going to open an upscale property, it makes sense to go with a luxury travel PR firm that knows how to reach that market. That segment is the one that travels the most and spends the greatest when they are on vacation, whether on their hotel room or their dining while they are there. As any hotelier will tell you, food and beverage affords the largest mark-up, giving the property its best return on investment.
7 Steps to Selecting An Agency
What steps should you take when your hotel is well into construction? Here’s a checklist:
• Write a request for proposal (RFP) outlining a brief description of the property and your expectations.
• Do a Google search for a luxury travel PR firm, and read through a few pages to find one that resonates with you. Look for a blend of clients that you feel have a similar market to yours.
• Find a firm with experience in launching hotels and knowledge of the process.
• Look for case studies on how they successfully unveiled the property. If they are not on the agency’s website, request a few.
• Ask for media references. Any solid agency will have regular press contacts willing to talk to a hotelier.
• Look for creativity. In order to get the attention of the press, you need an agency that can stand out in its communications with the press.
• Request sample reports. The agency should demonstrate a good range of clippings month in and month out. Consistent coverage is key.
Once you meet with the agency head, (and the principal should be there), make a list and rate the firms based on their feedback. Then meet with your team and discuss the pros and cons of each. Do you want a big firm or a boutique agency? Understand that your budget will dictate the level of staff who are assigned to your account, and how much time they spend on it. Of course, we recommend one where you will get the attention of the top gun. After all, the person with their name on the door will be the one with the most know-how.