One central tool for social media marketing firm in creating greater awareness for your brand, destination or hotels, is your blog. A blog is an essential PR agency tool and we highly recommend it. We also train clients so they can write the blogs themselves, as their voice is authentic, and should be heard by their target market.
Here on some pointers:
1. It is best when you post daily.
2. Your blogs should be anywhere between 250 – 400 words. If they are on the longer side then make them separate blogs.
3. If you have a great deal to say on one subject, then break up the blog into two posts.
4. Interlink to previous blogs when discussing the same topic.
5. Only optimize every other blog, otherwise ad keywords in as they develop naturally out of the content.
6. Link out to top quality news sites like The Huffington Post and the New York Times with news hooks relevant to your post.
7. Write about topics of interest to your target market.
8. Rotate through your keywords.
9. Monitor your readership carefully with Google Analytics.
10. Read lots of blogs in your subject, and find ways to inspire your writing. Subscribe to those blogs that have large followers and study the content
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