As my friends and family know all to well, I am a bookworm at heart. I buy them used on Amazon and plow through them at a rapid rate. I always tell interns, if you want to be a good writer, then read a lot. So, here’s a list of books I want to read when staying at a luxury hotel or resort, something that thankfully I get to do on a fairly frequent basis since I am head of one of NYC’s top boutique PR agencies, specializing in travel PR.
So take one of these in paperback next time you’re headed on a trip:
- Boyhood by Karl Knausgaard – this is an incredible read. The language is flawless. No wonder they close offices in Scandinavia so people will read the book, because otherwise it would be during business hours.
- Venerable Father by Paul Brieter – These recollections of a Zen monk while living at a monastery in northern Thailand are priceless.
- Death of a President – If you are a Kennedy freak like me, you will want to plow through this, as I did in a huge room at the Venetian in Vegas.
- Letters of Christopher Isherwood – These are marvelous. He was an early trendsetter of gay fiction and flawless.
- Leaves of Grass – Like Bill Clinton, who gave this to Monica, I take this with me often when in a private room with the one I love (or lust).
- Talented Mr. Ripley – This short story, which the movie is based on, is engrossing and easy to read in one night.
- 1000 Days – Another fabulous story about JFK’s days in office.
- Silver Linings Playbook – Yes, the movie is based on it, and yes, it’s just as good.
Well that’s it for today. Next up: movies to watch in your hotel guest room!