When organizing a group press trip – commonly known as a FAM (short for familiarization) – one very effective way to reach out is through the various groups on Linked-In that are read by travel journalists, and there are quite a few. Of course, allow a few days to join them in the first place.
Since we specialize in travel PR, this is a technique we use to canvass and review the credentials of potentially interested journalists. We also find this useful to reconnect with travel writers with whom we may have lost touch, and may have new outlets that we are targeting.
We did this recently for a press trip to Old Stone Farm, a luxury retreat and equestrian estate in Rhinebeck NY, and uncovered a nice new group of friends – now its our standard operating procedure to screen them carefully.
So, here are some useful tips, if you decide to go this route:
1. Ask to see samples of articles that have appeared in the last six months in publications to determine their regularity in placing stories.
2. Review potential story angles with them, keeping in mind the stories you are seeking to get across.
3. Make sure you have a chat on the phone to get a sense of their personality. The last thing you want is a prima donna.
4. If someone seems demanding, find out if an individual press trip is possible, and only if the journalist is writing for a top publication. (Yes, there are a very few who are difficult but worthwhile, and syndicated columnists at that!)
5. Suggest editors the freelancer can pitch, such as those at trade publications who will usually welcome articles.
6. Read their Linked in profile carefully to make sure you like everything they say about themselves. Read between the lines.
7. If you’ve got any suspicions, ask to speak to their editor, to double-check their references and their assignment.
One final note – don’t be shy. Its vital you are carefully in this process. The last thing you want is a troublemaker, and while they are few and far between, they do exist and aren’t worth it. Check out our blog post, “Travel PR Firm Cultivates Journos for Press Trips for Feature Coverage,” for more great insight. The legit ones, are just that – legit!